Ownership and shares

Existing total share capital is MVR 200m which is proposed to be increased to MVR400m in the future. Current share composition is, Government of the Republic of Maldives 70% and Kasa Holdings 30%.

© 2019 Addu International Airport Private Limited. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Gan International Airport

Flight Schedule


Airline Flight Date Time Origin Aircraft Belt Status
MaldivianQ2211227 July 20240145MLE/GKK/GANATR1Landed at 0119
SriLankanUL11927 July 20241340CMB/GANA3201As Scheduled
MaldivianQ210227 July 20241340MLE/GANATR2As Scheduled
MaldivianQ210627 July 20241820MLE/GANATR1As Scheduled


Airline Flight Date Time Origin Aircraft Desk Status
MaldivianQ2211327 July 20240430MLE/GKK/GANATR1Departed at 0436
SriLankanUL12027 July 20241425GAN/CMBA3201As Scheduled
MaldivianQ210327 July 20241420GAN/MLEATR2As Scheduled
MaldivianQ210727 July 20241900GAN/MLEATR1As Scheduled